Be Where Your Customers Are

Insights from Tara Christianson's "Be Where Your Customers Are" Presentation at Century 21 2023 Convention

Staying attuned to the needs and desires of your audience is crucial for any real estate agent striving to succeed. During Century 21's recent 2023 Convention, the highly regarded Digital Strategist, Tara Christianson from REA, took the stage to deliver a presentation titled "Be Where Your Customers Are." Her insights were invaluable, resonating with attendees and illuminating the core principles of audience-focused content strategies.

Understanding the Audience Journey

Tara Christianson's presentation highlighted the paramount importance of understanding the journey your audience embarks upon. Recognising the various touchpoints in this journey allows businesses to tailor their content to meet the specific needs and preferences of their customers. A critical point she emphasised was to "Deliver information and content earlier in their journey in the format and on the platforms they prefer." This crucial understanding lays the foundation for effectively engaging with customers and establishing long-lasting relationships.

Meeting Audience Wants: Certainty, Value, and Information

Tara emphasised that catering to the desires of your audience can significantly enhance customer engagement. She pinpointed three core areas that consumers are yearning for: certainty, value, and information. These pillars serve as guiding principles for crafting content that resonates deeply and connects meaningfully.

Delving into the Mind of Sellers

Tara unveiled some of the most pressing issues that dominate sellers' minds:

  • Determining Home Value: The question "What's my home worth?" echoes in the minds of sellers.
  • Enhancing Property Value: Sellers yearn for insights into how they can add value to their property, making it more appealing to potential buyers.
  • Choosing the Right Agent: Navigating the complex world of real estate necessitates the guidance of a knowledgeable professional. Sellers seek advice on selecting the right real estate agent.
  • Understanding the Selling Process: The intricacies of the selling process often baffle sellers. Comprehensive explanations about each step can provide them with the clarity they crave.

Unveiling Buyers' Inquiries

On the other side of the spectrum, buyers have their own set of inquiries. Tara uncovered the most prevalent concerns among prospective property buyers:

  • Financial Estimates: Buyers crave comprehensive estimates and metrics, especially with regard to affordability. This includes understanding how interest rates and mortgage rates impact the property market.
  • Expense Management: Buyers seek guidance not only on the purchase itself but also on managing expenses before and after making the big move.
  • Suburb Amenities: Understanding the neighborhood amenities and lifestyle offerings plays a vital role in buyers' decision-making process.

Catering to Landlords' Needs

For landlords, their concerns revolve around managing properties effectively. Christianson revealed the questions that consistently occupy the minds of landlords:

  • Suburb Metrics: Accurate and up-to-date metrics like sold prices, rental rates, and price estimates for the suburb are crucial for landlords.
  • Neighborhood Insights: Landlords want to stay informed about what's happening in the neighborhood, including amenities and developments.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: From selecting an agent and tenants to leasing properties and investment strategies, landlords crave advice that aids them in growing their wealth.

Addressing the Queries of Renters

Renters, too, have their own set of inquiries and needs that deserve attention:

  • Financial Clarity: Prospective renters want to know the total cost implications, both before and after they move.
  • Neighborhood Exploration: Similar to buyers, renters are keen on understanding the neighborhood's amenities and overall vibe.
  • Moving Tips: Finding a rental property and navigating the moving process can be daunting. Renter-focused advice can greatly assist in this transition.

By crafting content that speaks directly to these points, Agents can undoubtedly enhance their digital presence by creating content that is highly relevant and allows them to forge lasting relationships with their audience.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of CENTURY 21 New Zealand, others employed by CENTURY 21 New Zealand or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold CENTURY 21 or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the CENTURY 21 New Zealand network.