High tea fights cancer

Dargaville businesses recently joined forces to raise money for the fight against breast cancer, organising a classical high tea event to support the cause.

"Fundraising doesn't have to be sombre. It can be a celebration of strength, resilience, and community spirit. Breast cancer affects so many, but through events like this, we can stand together, support one another, and make a real impact, all while enjoying a wonderful afternoon," says Jean Johnson of Century 21 Real Estate.

Together with the Northern Wairoa Hotel, Jean and her team pitched in to create a special event, which combined breast cancer fundraising with a little bit of early-autumn fun. On March 8, they transformed the Victorian-era ballroom of the Northern Wairoa Hotel into a scene reminiscent of Downton Abbey or a royal engagement, serving up baked delicacies and cups of tea in a convivial atmosphere.

Dressing up in the fashions of a boygone era was encouraged for this silver service event. The invitation read 'Embrace your inner regency style and enjoy a touch of sophistication,' posted on flyers around Dargaville.

Jean is the perfect host for such a charitable tea party. In the years before her real estate career, she was well-known as a designer of custom-made cakes.

The fight against breast cancer started 2025 with a major win, as Pharmac greenlit funding for a new wonder drug that has shown great promise at treating a common form of the illness.

"Enhertu really is a remarkable drug – rarely have we seen doctors so excited by the potential of a new medicine," said Breast Cancer Foundation of New Zealand CEO Ah-Leen Rayner.

"Having Enhertu funded will mean women with HER2-positive advanced cancer will get the chance to live longer, happier and healthier lives."

Read the original article by Andy Bryenton on kaiparalifestyler.co.nz

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