Manurewa 5 Brent Place

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3 Bedrooms + Sleepout

3 1 2

Rental Details

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Neat and tidy 3 bedroom house plus sleepout located in Manurewa.

3 good size double bedrooms
1 bathroom and separate toilet
1 sleepout in backyard
Open plan kitchen
Fully fenced
Two off-street car parks

Periodic tenancy only.

At all viewings, My Vaccine Pass will be required for entry. You will need to wear a mask and remain 1 metre apart from other attendees at the viewing. You will also need to sign in with the Covid tracker app.

To apply for this property please go to (copy and paste this link into your web browser).

Property Features

  • Uncovered Carspaces 2
Century 21 Edwards Realty Edwards Realty
Licensed under the REAA 2008
Unit 6, 345 Chapel Road
Botany Downs 2014